Bold & Strong Blend

from $18.00

Origin: Colombia & Brazil

Notes: Full Bodied Coffee Tasting of Sweet Cocoa and Toffee Apple

Recommended Use: Espresso, but also great for all types of coffee brewing

from $18.00
from $18.00
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The Colombian Beans

The Colombia beans that make up the first part of this full-bodied coffee blend are sourced from around 50 smallholder farms, all five hectares or smaller. The farms are located on a plateau sitting approximately 1.7 km above sea level in Colombia’s south-west.

The coffee industry in this area provides over 400 people with stable employment, which is financially and administratively supported by the coordination of local organisations such as Cofinet. Cofinet is a family business, and it seeks to expand the global market for Colombian coffees, and encourage direct relationships between farmers and roasters. It sees this as being in the interests of smallholder farms who might otherwise struggle to independently sell on an international scale.

The involvement of collective organisations allows the community to undertake wide-scale environmental initiatives. For example, Cofinet’s Agroforestry mission, which involves the growth and distribution of native trees, allows small coffee farms to benefit from increased vegetation, as well as contributes to the conservation of natural ecosystems.

The Brazilian Beans

The Brazil beans that make up the second part of this blend are grown in Minas Gerais, a region within the Cerrado ecoregion known for its consistent subtropical climate. Coffee farms in Minas Gerais operate over an area of over 140,000 hectares and provide employment for around 3,600 people.

Working on larger farms, generally from 100 to 3,000 hectares, farmers as well as traders work together to innovate new ways to use technology in tandem with the land and climatic features of the region. In doing so, the area has become famous for the outstanding consistency of their products. The collaborative nature of the industry in Cerrado has also allowed strong relationships between farmers and traders, creating communication lines that contribute to the improvement of every aspect of the production process.

The Full-Bodied Result

We created the Resuscitator Blend because some of our customers, friends and family wanted something more bold and full bodied than our (deliciously smooth and easy) Authentic Check Up Blend. The combo of Colombian and Brazilian coffee beans packs a full-bodied coffee punch you won’t see too often. And when you purchase this coffee you get the added benefit of knowing that you’ve supported the small farmers from Colombia and Brazil.

Check Up Authentic Blend
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Fruit Cake Blend
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