What is the difference between light, medium and dark roasted coffee?

G’day Mate!

It's great that you're interested in learning about coffee roasts. The main difference between light, medium, and dark roasted coffee is simply the length of time the coffee beans are roasted for. Let me give you a quick overview of each type of roast:

  1. Light roast: These beans are roasted for the shortest amount of time (usually around 6-8 minutes), giving them a light brown colour and a milder, more acidic flavour. Light roast coffee typically has a higher caffeine content than darker roasts!

  2. Medium roast: These beans are roasted for slightly longer than light roast beans (usually around 9-11 minutes). They have a medium brown colour and a balanced flavour profile with a slightly sweeter, smoother taste than light roast. It's no wonder that medium roast coffee is the most popular type of roast in Australia!

  3. Dark roast: These beans are roasted for the longest amount of time (usually around 12-15 minutes). They have a dark brown colour and a more robust, smokey flavor profile with a slightly bitter taste. One thing to keep in mind is that dark roast coffee typically has a lower caffeine content than lighter roasts.

It's worth noting that the flavor profile of coffee can vary depending on the origin and quality of the beans, as well as the brewing method. Additionally, some coffee roasters may have their own unique roasting styles, which can result in variations within each roast category. Hope this helps you for when you choose your next bag of beans =)

Have a great day and keep smiling!