What is monkey coffee?

G’day from Hornsby!

So, have you heard about monkey coffee? If you haven't, let us tell you all about it! It's sometimes called kopi luwak or civet coffee, and it's made from beans that have been eaten and then pooped out by civet cats. Yeah, you read that right! The beans go through a special process in the cat's stomach that gives them a really unique flavor. Then, the beans are collected from the poop, cleaned up, and roasted to make a coffee that smells and tastes pretty unique.

Now, you might be thinking, "Wow, that sounds fancy!" And you're right! Monkey coffee is pretty special because it's hard to make and there's not a lot of it around. But there are some things to think about before you decide to try it. For one, some people are worried about the way that civet cats are treated in order to make the coffee. Some cats are kept in cages and forced to eat coffee cherries so that more beans can be produced. And even worse, sometimes the coffee you buy isn't even real monkey coffee! So, if you're going to try it, make sure you know what you're getting.

Thanks for reading our little spiel about monkey coffee. Catch ya later and keep smiling!