How much coffee is grown in Brazil each year?

G’day coffee lover!

Did you know that Brazil is the largest producer of coffee in the world? It's true! They account for approximately 40% of all coffee production globally. This is due in part to Brazil's favorable climate and geography, which provide ideal conditions for coffee cultivation. Their coffee farms are spread out over a vast area, with some located in the mountainous regions of Minas Gerais and others situated in the rolling hills of São Paulo.

In the 2020-21 coffee year, Brazil produced a staggering 67.4 million bags of coffee. That's equivalent to 4.04 billion kilograms or 8.91 billion pounds of coffee! This impressive output can be attributed to the country's advanced coffee processing techniques, including the use of modern machinery and sustainable farming practices. Brazil also boasts a highly skilled workforce, with many farmers possessing generations of expertise in the art of coffee cultivation.

Despite their dominance in the coffee industry, Brazil faces several challenges in maintaining their position as the world's leading coffee producer. Climate change, for instance, has had a significant impact on their coffee production in recent years, with rising temperatures and unpredictable weather patterns leading to lower yields. However, Brazilian farmers are investing in new technologies and farming practices to adapt to these changing environmental conditions and ensure the continued success of their industry.

If you feel like trying some Brazilian coffee as your daily pick me up, try our Nutty Choc blend!

We hope you're enjoying your pick-me-up and having a great day =)