How to Make the Best Pour Over Coffee

Hey Coffee Lovers!

If you’re wondering how to make the best pour over coffee, we have some tips from our own experience. Follow these and you’ll be able to make a perfect, amazing-tasting pour over coffee in the comfort of your own house (then drink it in bed - the best!).

Why Pour Over Coffee?

Pour over is a great way of making a clean tasting coffee to start your day right or keep you going during the afternoon.

In fact, it’s one of our favourite ways to brew coffee because it allows us to have complete control over the brewing process. We’re better able to monitor it to make sure the grounds are evenly and thoroughly saturated and we can control how much flavour is extracted. We’re sure you’ll enjoy it as well because not only is it delicious, but it’s also fun to make and when you buy beans in one of our reusable tins, super sustainable as well.

How to Make the Best Pour Over Coffee

What You’ll Need to Keep in Mind

 There are a few factors to keep in mind:

  1. Clean equipment (we recommend the V60 Pour Over Starter Kit) and water

  2. Grind size

  3. Ratio

  4. Pouring

Clean Equipment

Before using your V60 Pour over Starter Kit (grab one in store), make sure you place your filter in the brewer and rinse it with clean hot water from your kettle. This will help remove the paper / plastic taste from your cup of coffee.

Pro tip! Warming your whole pour over device will help keep the brewing temperature stable. 

Grind Size

 If you can, grind your coffee just before brewing. This will help you collect all the fresh flavours and aromas into your cup. The best grind for the best pour over coffee is a medium grind.

Don’t worry if you don’t have a grinder at home. We can grind the coffee beans for you as part of our service whether you buy beans in our store or from our online shop right here.


When it comes to how to make the best pour over coffee the ratio of coffee to water is very important, and every expert barista will have their own opinion. But at Coffee DRs, the RATIO we like to use for our pour overs is 1g of ground coffee to 15g of clean hot water. An example would be 15g ground coffee to 225g clean hot water. 

If you don’t have a scale don’t worry. The coffee server will come with lines on the side to help you see where 225ml roughly is and the pour over starter kit will come with a plastic spoon that gives you roughly 15g of coffee per scoop.


Heat up your kettle and wait approximately one minute after boiling before pouring. Boiling water has the potential to burn your coffee (and trust us, you don’t want that!).

Then pour roughly twice the amount of clean hot water to your coffee and let it bloom for 30 seconds. This will help saturate all the coffee ground for a more even extraction.

After the 30 second bloom, start pouring the remainder of the water slowly on top of the ground coffee for a total of two minutes and 30 seconds.

You can spend more time if you like, it’s really up to you. Though we think this is the perfect method, you might find a longer or shorter pour suits you better. Just remember, the longer the brewing process, the more intricate the flavour. And the slower the water filters through the grounds, the more flavour is extracted.

Enjoy Your Perfect Pour Over

Now that you’ve made the best pour over coffee, it’s time to enjoy it! We love coffee in bed, or with our feet up out on the balcony watching the world pass by. How you enjoy it is up to you. But once you’ve mastered the perfect pour over coffee, we know you will!

We’d love you to share your own experience with us or even your own tips on how to make the best pour over coffee! Get in touch


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