Coffee DRs Hornsby

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What is the best way to order my coffee?

Hey there, Coffee Lover!

Ordering coffee should be easy and stress-free, so here are some tips for you:

  1. Let's start with the size: You can specify the size of your coffee, such as small or large.

  2. Next, choose your coffee type: Select the type of coffee you want, such as batch brew, latte, cappuccino, mocha, or long black.

  3. Don't forget to specify the milk: If you want your coffee with milk, let us know the type of milk you prefer, such as full cream milk, skim milk, almond milk, oat milk, or soy milk.

  4. If you want any extra flavorings, specify that too: You can choose from vanilla, caramel, hazelnut, or even Belgian chocolate if you like.

  5. Finally, feel free to mention any special requests: If you have any specific requests such as extra foam, an extra shot of espresso, or warm, just let us know.

For instance, you could say: "Hi, can I have a large-sized latte with almond milk and an extra shot of vanilla syrup, please? And can you make it warm?"

By being specific about your order, you can ensure that you get the coffee you really want and avoid any confusion or mistakes. Hope that helps!

Have a wonderful day and keep smiling!