The Best Christmas Coffees for All Your Celebrations

Whether you need a jolt of strong espresso to get you started after a late night putting together Barbie doll houses. Or you’ve got a long afternoon celebrating with friends, we’ve pulled together our favourite Christmas coffees to get you through the happiest day of the year.

The Best Christmas Coffees for All Your Celebrations

Christmas Coffee Image with Pine Needles

The Early Morning Wake Ups

If you have kids there’s almost no way you’re getting any kind of sleep in on Christmas morning. In fact, it’s likely you’ll be up before the sun for many (many) years. And it’s possible this is on the back of a late night wrapping Lego and building Barbie houses.

If this is you, don’t worry. You can still have a fantastic holiday (or at least get through until nap time!). For those early morning wakes up we recommend a large drip filter coffee.

Here us out! Yes, espresso has the most concentrated caffeine, but it’s also delivered in quite a small package. Instead, break out the old electric machine for your Christmas coffee, and fill up the largest Santa mug you’ve got. When it comes to delivering the most caffeine, bigger is definitely better.

Coffee suggestion for early morning wake ups: Brazilian Oberon Coffee

The In-Laws Year

Many couples around the world do a split Christmas—generally for logistical reasons. This might mean that one year you’re with your own family, and one year you’re with your partner’s. And while you may have the most wonderful in-laws ever, spending Christmas day with someone else’s family can make for a long afternoon.

The best coffee for starting off Christmas day with the in-laws is certainly the cappuccino because it’s the perfect mid-morning Christmas coffee drink. The lactose and fat content of the milk combines with the caffeine of the ground coffee to give you a long-lasting energy boost for the day. And because they tend to be larger in volume, you can nurse it throughout the morning.

Coffee suggestion for chatting with the in laws: Check Up Authentic Blend

The Christmas Party

 If you’re having friends and family round for a Christmas party, you might be thinking more Christmas cheer than Christmas coffee. But that would be a mistake. There are so many beautiful boozy coffee combinations that give you both a celebratory vibe and beautiful caffeinated energy.

We particularly love an iced Irish coffee. Cold brew coffee plus whisky and cream—it’s a delicious, hot-weather drink that ticks all the boxes. And of course there’s the always popular espresso martini. Beautiful rum paired with coffee liqueur and chilled coffee—Christmas, indeed!

Coffee suggestion for Christmas party coffee: BANTAT Blend

Post-Lunch Lull

After a big Christmas lunch, you might find yourself in need of a little pick me up. This is the perfect time for espresso.

Drinking coffee after a meal helps with digestion. And having a little bit of caffeine helps to counteract the sleepiness that eating a big meal can bring on. Espresso is a great Christmas coffee choice because it’s small volume won’t put any additional pressure on your digestive system. And because it’s essentially calorie- free, it won’t also add to the turkey and prawns that you’ve been enjoying!

Coffee suggestion for the post-lunch lull: Check Up Authentic Blend

The Stopover

Christmas Day is a great time to visit friends and family. But with so many people to see, you might be swinging by just for a quick drink. Of course champagne is always an acceptable choice (and one we personally love!), but if you’re looking for another option, it’s Christmas coffee all the way.

In these cases we love an Americano. An Americano is an espresso with hot water added, and it gives you that beautiful Christmas coffee kick with a dash of extra hydration. The beauty of the Americano is that if you make multiple stops you won’t get bogged down with milky, sugary drinks.

Coffee suggestion for stopovers: Colombian Popayan

Christmas Coffee—A Great Choice No Matter How You Drink It!

From our perspective, coffee is simply the perfect Christmas day drink, no matter how you choose to enjoy it. Just enjoy it often—it is a holiday after all!

Coffee is great anytime on Christmas Day. Grab some beans from our shop and get ready for the full range of Christmas coffee!

Luke BantatuaCoffee DRs