BREW GUIDES: Electric Filter Coffee Maker Brew Guide

Our Electric Filter Coffee Maker Brew Guide will show you how to make excellent coffee on your coffee maker, every time.

Electric or machine coffee makers are often one of the last methods that many coffee snobs (and we use that as a term of endearment!) trust to make a great cup. But for all the debate around what brewers make the best coffee—Chemex, AeroPress, French Press or something else entirely—sometimes you just want to be able to turn on a machine and walk away. (Or better yet, set a timer and wake up to freshly brewed coffee!)

The best things about electric filter coffee makers is that they are very easy to use and they do almost all the work for you. And once you’ve figured out how you like your coffee, you can easily repeat that process for a consistent cup every time.

BREW GUIDES: Electric Filter Coffee Maker Brew Guide

This Electric Filter Coffee Maker Brew Guide is designed to help you make the best use of your electric coffee maker. So, let’s get started!

The Basics

You’ll need:

Your ratio of coffee to water:

  • 60 grams of coffee to a litre of filtered water. If you plan to use 500ml of filtered water, you can use 30 grams of coffee or 15 grams of coffee to 250 ml water.

As with all our brew guide ratios, give it a try and then personalise it from there.

Steps to Brewing Coffee with an Electric Filter Coffee Maker

  1. Source beans and grind them (or have them ground) to a medium grind.

  2. Pour water into your coffee maker’s reservoir.

  3. Place the filter paper in the brewing basket.

  4. Run a little water over the filter to remove the paper taste and return the brewing basket to the machine.

  5. Weigh your coffee grounds to 60g per 1litre or 30g per 500ml.

  6. Place your weighed coffee grounds into the basket and close the machine.

  7. Start the brew cycle.

  8. Once the brew is finished, immediately remove the filter and dispose of the grounds (but be sure to compost or otherwise use your coffee grounds!) to prevent bitter remnants of coffee from dripping into the finished product.

  9. Enjoy (with or without milk)!


A Note About Electric Coffee Makers

When you’re looking for an electric coffee maker, it’s really important that you look for one that can heat the water to high enough temperatures. Many cheaper styles simply can’t bring the water to a hot enough range, which will lead to weak, underextracted coffee as a result. You also want to look for one that distributes the water evenly over the grounds to that you get the full flavours from the coffee.

We love the Breville Precision Brewer but there are many others that can do the job as well. 

Remember, at the end of the day, it’s your coffee!

It’s your coffee. And our Electric Filter Coffee Maker Brew Guide is just that… a guide. If you find that you’re not 100% happy with the resulting cup of coffee, then feel free to change something like adjusting the grind to be more fine. Our general rule of thumb is to gradually go more fine until you reach a bitter taste, and then pull back to be a little more coarse. And if you want to use steamed milk you can find out how to do that on our video (you can skip directly to 3:45)!

Our Brew Guides

If you liked our Electric Filter Coffee Maker Brew Guide check out our other Brew Guides. You can find out the specifics about other brewing methods, including all our tips and tricks.

Need coffee beans—single O and one-of-a-kind blends? We’ve got what you need! Grab a bag at our shop, and have it freshly ground. You’ll be hearing the sweet sounds of percolating coffee out of your machine before you know it.

Luke BantatuaCoffee DRs